"An intention is a soul goal, not a head goal." – Cheryl Richardson
Each day you have the opportunity to focus ahead of time what you desire to see happen, but do you really do this? Do you go about your schedule and just see what happens? Do you feel you have any control over what does occur? We have our “to-do” lists, our mental outline of what we wish to accomplish for ourselves. However, you do hold the power to pre-set what you’d like to see occur. This is key to getting what we want daily. How do you do this? The best and easiest method to employ is to set your intentions before you do anything. It means giving yourself a few quiet moments to visualize in your mind’s eye what you wish to see happen. It could be done when you first arise out of bed, while in the shower or even at your breakfast table. For some it could be in the form of a morning ritual prayer or calming meditation. From the book, The Law of Attraction, The Basic Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks, the very concept of what is termed segment intention is thoroughly explored in much greater detail. The basic premise is that by learning to set your intentions in advance of your day you have “prepaved” your future. It is a process by which your present thoughts bring you toward what you most want and desire. You are employing one of the powerful laws of attraction by intentionally creating results for your own benefit. Every thought about your future (meaning what hasn’t happened yet because you are in the present moment) that you have influences what is manifested. The authors’ state: “Every thought you think that is directed toward what you want for your future is of great benefit to you. Every thought that you are thinking about your future that you do not want is a disadvantage to you.” Furthermore, if you do not choose to set your daily intentions, you are living a life by default. It’s as if you’re subjecting yourself to whatever occurs which may not be advantageous to your current status. You change the outcome by first establishing clearlywhat you want and by deliberately intending what you expect as a result. The best way to segment your intentions is to “pause” several times a day and ask yourself: Is this in my highest and best interest and for those around me? Another mental habit to try is to actively catch yourself in a segmented moment of your day and stop to ask yourself: What do I most want right now in this situation? The value of segmenting your intentions is that you will be able to learn from your life experiences what it is that you truly want and expect. If you are able to be very clear and focused, you will then be better able to go about your day knowing you have prepaved your future by attracting into your life what you most want. As a suggestion, a simple prayer to send out to the universe is: 'If this is in the highest and best interest for me and those around me, then please allow it to happen.' I invite your thoughts or comments.
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September 2014