Asking others for help is seen by many people as a sign of weakness. Is this logic correct? Does it serve us? Perhaps you are the type of person who is strong and independent and can take care of your needs by with out assistance. Perhaps you were raised to do for you and learned to be resourceful. When life “happens” and you find yourself presented with a situation where some outside assistance would be beneficial to your well-being, do you grunt it out alone, or do you feel you are able to ask someone for help?
If you are willing to seek assistance, you are being incredibly brave because you are acknowledging upfront that you can’t do it all. The good news is that it is okay to ask for help. It is a “gift” to someone else who may desire to ease your discomfort when you are faced with navigating through a tough time. Unless you ask, how will someone know what you need? It is not shameful to admit to yourself that you don’t have the means, energy or know how to accomplish whatever it is that you may need help with. If you aren’t good at doing something in particular, find someone who is. You can always hire an individual to fulfill that need. Generally, people want to try to help others. By not asking, you reinforce your own helplessness which leads to more stress and frustration. Ask your friends, family or co-workers, people who care about you to come to your aid. Be specific about what your needs are (i.e. childcare, transportation, errands, grocery shopping, etc.) Be mindful, that those that care about you are receiving the “gift” of being needed and the personal connection to you. Therefore, the next time you find yourself in a quandary, don’t struggle needlessly. Call and seek assistance. Do not stand on your pride or ego. It really is okay to need aid. We all do and you will be asked to do the same someday soon. Have a generous heart, be kind and pay it forward. Remember, the only way to get anything you want in life, is to ask for it.
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September 2014